ADay, Merrill N 
Aagesen, Donald C 
Aberdeen, James E  
Abernathy, Fay Sherwood 
Abernathy, Paul W 
Abeyta, John Charlie 
Abney, Howard L
Adair, Jessie P 
Adams, Arthur I 
Adams, Dearl E
Adams, Harry W
Adams, Jay "Harry" Jr
Adams, Ralph Boyd 
Adams, Willard V
Adkins, Aubrey H 
Akens, Thomas I 
Akers, Robert O 
Albern, Lloyd L 
Albright, Glenn N 
Albright, Richard M
Alderman, Melvin 
Alderson, Lehman L 
Alderson, Raleigh L II 
Aldous, George C 
Aldridge, Stanley G 
Ali, George N
Allard, Charles Garland 
Allen, Arlan R
Allen, Charles G
Allen, Charles Robert 
Allen, Herrold E 
Allen, Homer R 
Allerton, Jack R
Alloway, Hillard C
Allred, Parlan R 
Almanzor, Berton F 
Altizer, Robert C 
Altman, Maurice V 
Ames, Walter J
Amici, Thomas J 
Amos, Harmon E 
Andersen, Francis D 
Anderson, Arvid 
Anderson, Augustus C "Gus"
Anderson, Everett J
Anderson, Gerald M
Anderson, Robert H
Anderson, Samuel
Andreasen, Joseph G 
Andrus, James S 
Angione, Vincent A
Anthony, George E
Apel, Charles W 
App, Robert G
Arasin, John C
Arendt, John L
Armfield, John M 
Armstrong, Henry L II 
Armstrong, Keith N
Arnold, Wilbur R
Arnold, William J
Arpin, Donald J
Arroyo, Abraham J
Arter, John R 
Arvanites, George L 
Arwood, Joe B 
Ashford, George H
Ashlock, Jesse
Ashwell, Silas B 
Ashworth, George W 
Asman, Robert H 
Assenheimer, Edwin H
Asvestos, Nick 
Atkinson, Gerald V 
Audiss, Eldon W
Auer, Kenneth R 
Auman, Rictor H
Avenia, James J
Ayers, Francis "Frank" H
Ayers, Roger D
Ayling, Edward C 
Baart, James C 
Babbitt, Bruce E
Bach, Harold J
Bachert, Kurt W
Bachman, Clifford O 
Bachom, Thomas F "Dude" 
Backer, Charles T 
Backiel, Stanley J
Bader, Alvin G 
Badger, Aldine
Badway, John R
Baehr, Kenneth C 
Baer, Richard K 
Bahr, John W
Bailey, Arthur Lee
Bailey, George P 
Bailey, Jack W 
Bailey, George E
Bailey, Joe B
Bailey, John R
Baker, Albert W Jr 
Baker, Ira B
Baker, James S 
Baker, Marshall D
Baker, Robert L
Baker, William T
Balcombe, Clayton S
Baldwin, Irl E 
Bale, Gordon E
Bales, Ross C 
Balint, Daniel
Balkcom, Robert E 
Ball, Warren G 
Ballagh, Gordon A 
Baloga, Stephen M 
Balzano, Christopher 
Barber, Ralph K
Barder, Emmett R 
Barker, Alvin L
Barker, Havelock W 
Barker, John C
Barkin, Herbert L
Barkman, Elmer Roy Jr 
Barletta, Leonard N
Barnes, Deane L 
Barnes, Frederick E
Barnes, Walter E
Barnett, James M 
Barnhill, Wilbur R 
Barnts, Warren E
Barnum, Abraham E
Barr, Gordon E 
Barrat, Robert J 
Barrett, Jesse M
Barrett, John J
Barrios, Alfred R 
Barriscale, Howard W
Barrowman, Roy P 
Barr, Thomas J
Barry, Edwin B
Barry, John K 
Barsam, Meran A Jr 
Barteau, Edward
Barth, Harry W Jr 
Bartholomew, Dale E 
Bartholomew, Max R 
Bartholomy, Frank 
Bartkoski, Edward L
Bartlett, Keith O 
Barton, Forrest E "Fory" 
Barwick, Leonard O 
Bason, William A
Bass, Julius E "Sam"
Bates, Grover P 
Bates, Robert L
Bates, Theodore A
Batten, Delmer G
Batton, James H
Bauer, Donald R 
Bauer, Floyd E
Bauer, Joseph F
Bauer, Robert K
Baxter, J. D.
Bazo-Fontaneil, Juan A 
Beadle, Richard Harold
Beamer, Richard P
Bean, John R 
Beasley, Roland C
Beasley, William M 
Beaulieu, Phillip E
Beaver, Lloyd B
Beben, Henry Michael
Bech, George Neil Jr.
Bechtold, Robert E 
Beck, Cyrus C
Beck, Harold P
Beck, John A
Becknell, Wallace E 
Beckwith, Walter D
Beder, Harrison K
Bednarchuk, Antoni
Beeny, J C
Beere, D M
Beers, Donald B
Beggins, Michael J 
Beiser, Theodore R
Belcher, Marshall L 
Bell, Julian P
Bell, Richard L 
Bellitt, Irving 
Bender, Rollin J
Benefield, Lenvil H
Benepe, Louis M
Benford, Jack H
Benge, Charlie W
Bengtson, Gilbert E 
Benigno, Peter A
Bennett, B F
Bennett, John Charles
Bennett, Joseph A 
Bennett, Kenneth A
Bennett, Paul K
Bennett, Robert W
Bentley, Andrew K
Beres, Edward 
Berger, Donald E
Berger, James F
Bergeron, Arthur A 
Bergeron, Willard H "Bill" 
Bergman, Harvey F
Beringer, John L
Berly, Joel A Jr
Berntzen, Arthur O 
Berrier, Edwin H 
Bertasso, Joseph S
Bertich, Louis A 
Berzanski, Edward G
Berzansky, Andrew 
Best, Shirl P 
Bethel, Wesley A
Bever, Lloyd B
Beyeler, Earl R
Beys, George J
Bialobrzeski, Joseph C 
Bibik, James J 
Bice, Lowelll E 
Biedanski, Edmund J 
Bielecki, John B
Bieranoski, Walter J 
Bierman, Leonard
Biernacki, Joseph J 
Bigelow, Robert F
Bilski, Peter P 
Binder, Carroll Jr 
Bird, Harry G
Birken, Irving
Birlem, Keith C
Birnbaum, Warren G Jr 
Bischofs, Hans 
Bishop, Neldon Reid 
Bishop, Paul A
Bishop, Robert F
Bixby, Kenneth E
Bixler, Clarence C 
Black, Everett H Jr
Black, Leslie K
Blackburn, Marion D
Blake, Mark Jr "Mickey" 
Blake, Robert C
Blalock, Thompson M
Blanchard, Samuel B
Bland, Hugh
Blank, Oliver
Blank, Paul 
Blankenship, Irwin D 
Bledsoe, Clinton A 
Blinebury, Joseph A
Bliss, Robert P
Blomberg, Richard T Jr 
Bluethenthal, Arthur
Blum, Eugene C
Blumenthal, Robert
Blythe, Leon W 
Boardman, Robert
Boat, E. Paul 
Bober, Stanley 
Bohannon, Jackson R 
Boland, Anthony J
Boling, Shuble A
Bolsover, Harold S 
Bone, Donald R
Bonenberger, Robert E
Boner, Allen M 
Bonin, Joseph R X 
Bonn, Charles J 
Bonner, Oscar F Jr 
Boone, Everett D
Booth, Fred H
Booton, Ralph W
Borchardt, Howard J
Bordelon, Berton A 
Boreen, Harry A 
Boren, Millard A 
Borg, John E 
Born, Robert S
Borror, Norwood D
Bostick, G. Fred 
Bostick, George Fred
Bottomley, Sidney L 
Botton, Pius L
Boulter, Raymond A 
Bourdon, Louis P
Bourgeault, Louis H
Bourgot, Joseph B
Bourlier, Donald W 
Bourque, Alexander Jr 
Boutelle, Winston E 
Bouton, Paul Jr 
Bovey, Charles D 
Bowen, Dick
Bowler, Richard Jr "Dick" 
Bowles, Don D
Bowling, William A
Bowman, Horace D 
Bowman, Joseph E
Bowman, Vergil E 
Box, Charles M 
Boyd, G. Howard 
Boyer, Wesley A
Boyle, Francis "Frank"
Brabant, Patrick H 
Brackett, Clarence H
Brackey, Carroll H
Bradbury, Joseph E 
Braden, Richard
Bradford, Edward A 
Bradley, Clyde W Jr
Bradley, Merel D 
Bradshaw, Charles A
Bradshaw, John W
Brady, Gene F
Bragg, Ben W 
Brahic, Charles E
Brandfas, Dale F 
Branham, William R
Branum, Kenneth H 
Bratcher, Francis E 
Brauchle, John G 
Braun, Duane M
Breed, William H 
Breedlove, Edwin N
Brehl, Ralph C Jr 

by Sylvan Kamens and Jack Riemer
At the rising of the sun
and at its going down,
We remember them.
At the blowing of the wind
and in the chill of winter,
We remember them.
At the opening of the buds
and in the rebirth of spring,
We remember them.
At the shining of the sun
and in the warmth of summer,
We remember them.
At the rustling of the leaves
and in the beauty of autumn,
We remember them.
As long as we live,
they too will live;
for they are now a part of us,
As we remember them.
Breitenbach, Louis H 
Brewster, John L
Breyer, Frederick L
Brian, Carville J
Bricker, Albert W 
Bridges, Robert C
Bridgman, Robert A
Brightbill, Donald H
Briley, Dewey Edward Jr
Briody, Lawrence J
Britter, Harry B
Britz, Robert T 
Brody, Harry J 
Brodzinski, Chester O
Brooke, Curtis O 
Brooks, James 
Brooks, James E
Brooks, John W
Brooks, Richard S
Brookstra, William A 
Brosius, Earl E 
Broughton, Averell M Jr 
Broughton, William A
Brouillette, Wesley L 
Broussard, Eddie J Jr
Brown, Edgar S
Brown, Elmer L Jr
Brown, Harold A
Brown, Herbert R
Brown, Howard T
Brown, James F   
Brown, James J
Brown, James L Jr 
Brown, Jennings G 
Brown, John C
Brown, John K
Brown, Lee E 
Brown, Leonard M
Brown, Malcolm E
Brown, Marvin W
Brown, Richard A 
Brown, Robert H
Brown, Tracy D Jr 
Brown, William F Jr
Brownfield, Carlyle M
Browning, Richard C 
Bruce, Miles R 
Bruce, Robert V 
Brud, Robert P
Brumbeloe, Finis A 
Brunnet, Arthur 
Brunale, Vito J 
Bruno, Charles J
Bruno, Sam S 
Bryan, Fred W
Bryson, Emil M 
Buchannan, Robert
Buckingham, Earl W 
Buckley, Paul E
Buckner, James C
Buckner, Wiley A 
Buford, Thomas A
Buie, Neil C
Buinicky, Alfred R
Bumgarner, Donald
Bunney, Norman A 
Bunyard, Ralph T
Buonpane, Vincent A
Burcham, John O
Burford, Joseph A 
Burgeson, Lawrence L 
Burgess, William T 
Burkart, Ralph F
Burke, James C
Burkermer, Robert
Burkitt, Benajah G
Burnett, Orvel O
Burnette, R L 
Burnham, Arthur L 
Burns, Arthur J
Burns, Francis J
Burns, James R 
Burns, James S
Burr, Howard G 
Burr, Perry H 
Burton, Wallace E  
Bush, Duane A
Buske, George W 
Buske, Philip R
Butcher, Robert C 
Butler, Ashely A "Bim" 
Butler, Edward B
Butler, Harold E
Butler, Thelbert W
Byers, Ballard T 
Byrd, Fred O 
Byrne, Hobart L
Byrom, Jarold J 
Cadlolo, Raymond H 
Cahill, William F
Calderone, Reuben J
Caldwell, Frederick J 
Caldwell, Walter D
Calenberg, Raymond N 
Calhoun, William R
Call, Fred E 
Callihan, George A 
Calnon, Frederick N
Cambron, Richard H 
Cammack, Francis C 
Campbell, Claude W
Campbell, Frank P 
Campbell, Gerald R
Campbell, Laurie H
Campbell, Sanders H
Campbell, Thomas J
Campen, Donald O "Spec"
Canale, Michael J
Canfield, Marion L
Canning, Walter F
Cannon, Harley E
Cantor, Milton "Chic"
Cantrell, Alvin D 
Capellaro, Leon J
Cappucci, Joseph R 
Carbillano, Dominick
Carithers, James H Jr 
Carl, Lewis E
Carll, Martin V 
Carlson, Charles F
Carlson, Melvin C 
Carlson, Robert C A 
Carnahan, Kenneth R 
Carnahan, Ross C
Carney, Felix A
Carney, Walter J
Carlson, Dale Harlan
Carothers, John W 
Carpenter, Robert R
Carr, Richard C
Carriere, Lawrence C 
Carroccia, Albert R 
Carroll, Albert V H
Carroll, Charles P
Carroll, George M 
Carroll, Marvin A
Carson, John Don
Carter, Edward K 
Carver, Harold R
Cascio, Guiseppe
Cascio, Philip Thomas
Casciola, Benedict L
Case, Spencer F 
Casello, John J
Cashman, Daniel J
Cashman, John H Jr 
Cassell, Raymond W
Casselman, Glen L
Cassidy, Charles F
Cassidy, Edward J 
Cassidy, Francis D
Cassidy, Raymond J
Cassino, Julian R 
Cast, James L
Castle, John A
Castriciano, Peter C
Cataldi, Frederick J
Cathey, John L
Catozza, Peter P 
Cavagnaro, James E 
Cavagnol, Joseph J 
Cecce, Joseph A Jr
Cecchini, Anthony J
Celich, Nicholas J 
Celichowski, Ervin M 
Cerzosimo, Bernard P 
Chaltraw, Richard J
Chambers, Rex Jr
Chambers, Sidney N 
Champagne, Adam
Chandler, Jack A
Chang, David K.S. 
Chapman, Edward R
Chapple, Harry  
Charlton, Milbury C
Charlton, Rufus S
Charnick, Roman P 
Chavez, Salvador
Cheek, Roy A
Cheney, James S 
Chennault, Paul E Jr
Chesney, Alan D
Chew, Kenneth E
Chidley, Russell L
Chiles, Alfred B Jr
Chisholm, Robert E 
Chitwood, Russell O 
Chraniuk, William
Christ, Donald R
Christen, Louis M 
Christensen, Lars
Christenson, LeRoy P 
Christiansen, Jordan
Christianson, Roy W 
Christoff, Christ M
Chuhran, Erven A
Chulosky, Peter
Cicinelli, Salvatore J
Ciglar, Joseph 
Cioffi, Felix 
Cissell, Lloyd H 
Clapp, Keith W 
Clapshaw, Keith L
Clare, Donald T
Clark, Byron F 
Clark, Elmo E
Clark, Henry C 
Clark, James B 
Clark, James G Jr
Clark, Loren M
Clark, Martin L "Pete"
Clark, Norman M
Clark, Rufino
Clarke, Kenneth 
Claster, Stanley M
Cleavelin, Jesse C 
Clemensen, Richard L 
Clemons, James H 
Clevenger, Walter M 
Clifford, Bernard J
Clifton, David S
Clines, Wallace A 
Cline, William J 
Clingler, John R 
Clippinger, Robert E 
Clowe, Eugene C
Clumpner, Alfred B 
Coburn, Ralph F
Cochran, Frank H
Cochran, Gomer W 
Cockrum, Alfred E 
Coe, Charles F
Coe, Thomas E Jr 
Coeel, Harold H
Coffman, Glen F
Cofrances, Ernest L Jr
Cogswell, Robert W 
Cohen, Seymour T
Colancecco, Carino
Colburn, Robert P 
Colby, Bevan W Jr 
Cole, Edgar W
Cole, J Robert
Cole, Lorne R
Cole, Lloyd R 
Cole, Raymond L 
Cole, Richard H
Coleman, Loyd
Collier, Guy W 
Collier, Thomas D
Collins, Harvie L 
Collins, Marvin B
Collom, Edwin E 
Coltrane, Robert A 
Colvin, Vance R 
Comer, James H Jr
Compton, Elbert L
Compton, MC "Buster" 
Conard, Willard G
Conaway, Therman F
Conklin, James Milo Jr
Conklin, Joseph H
Conkling, John R 
Conlan, Thomas J
Conley, Donald H
Conn, Arthur A Jr 
Connelly, Ben L 
Connors, Edward B
Contos, Spiros Peter 
Conver, Milton K 
Cook, Harry S
Cook, Harry J
Cook, Leonard C
Cooley, Royal Del
Coomes, Clarence S 
Cooney, James E
Coons, Charles Lee
Cooper, Edward G
Cooper, John T Jr
Cooper, Ray R
Cooper, Robert M
Cooter, William M 
Cope, Wayne E 
Copeland, George E
Copening, George H
Copp, Edmond D 
Coppom, John F
Corbin, Frederick A 
Corley, Hubert
Corn, Byron D
Cornish, Merlin L 
Corns, Lester O 
Cornyn, John 
Correale, Fortunato G
Corrigan, Donald W 
Corwin, Ellera J 
Cote, Addell A 
Cote, Norman A 
Cotham, Willie C 
Cotner, Nyle E 
Cotter, Ernest
Cotter, William J
Cottle, Clyde J Jr.
Cottrell, Bert Jr.
Cottrell, John W
Couch, William M
Coughlin, Charles R
Coughlin, Robert F
Coulson, Thomas D
Covington, Charles G
Cowan, Roland M 
Cowley, Louis M 
Coykendall, Ralph A
Coyle, Arthur J
Coyle, Paul S
Cox, William H
Cozza, Victor J
Cozzo, Lawrence
Craig, Percy D 
Cramsie, William J
Crandell, Victor P 
Craven, Gerald H 
Crawford, William C 
Creel, Fred B 
Cribley, Robert W
Crigger, Richard S 
Crissman, Fred T. "Red" 
Cronkite, Walter 
Crook, Charles D  
Crooke, James J Jr
Crovo, Mario J
Crowley, John D
Cruttenden, Cyrus S 
Cuckler, Harvey Gene
Cueto, Frank Z
Culp, Everett E
Cummins, James E
Cundiff, Robert W
Cunningham, Billy A 
Cunningham, Neil E 
Cunningham, Carman E
Cunningham, Robert L
Cureton, Peter F Jr 
Curry, Peter M 
Czarny, Alex G 
Czerwonka, Joseph A
Dabrowski, Andrew
Dahl, Robert E
Dahl, Robert F 
Dahnke, Leonare L
Daley, Russell M
Dallas, William J 
Dandini, Amedeus J 
Dando, Charles A
Danford, Emmet J Jr
Daniel, Herbert A
Daniels, Mack E 
Darden, Elwyn Jones 
Dare, Melvin M 
Darland, William G Jr
Dasher, Everett A  
Da Shiell, William C 
Daub, Leroy E
Daum, Maurice C
Davey, Kenneth W
David, Clayton C 
Davidson, J.W.
Davidson, Robert P 
Davies, Ralph J 
Davis, Billie K
Davis, Charles E
Davis, Darius R 
Davis, Eugene B
Davis, Marcus K
Davis, Paul J
Davis, Richard A 
Davis, Robert W 
Davis, Roscoe
Davis, Warren A
Davis, William C
Dawes, Richard L 
Dawson, Lester H 
Day, Deane K
Deal, Fred O
Dearborn, Gayle W 
DeBartolo, Albert L 
DeCamp, Donald F 
DeCicco, Frank C Jr 
Deegan, Edwin F
Deerfield, Eddie 
DeFilippis, Rocco 
Deffinger, John P 
Deitch, Daniel T
Del Core, P E 'Bart'  
Delaney, Howard F
DeLeon, Judd
Delgado, Armando C
DeLiso, Vincent A
Dellinger, Lenoir E 
Dello Buono, Thomas J
DeMailo, Louis R
DeMarco, John H
DeMaria, Frank
DeNisi, Vincent J Jr
Dennerle, Almo W 
Denning, Glenn 
Denison, Jack A
Denman, Dallas L 
Dennis, Julian E
Derr, Ray E
Derschan, John A
DeSousa, John Jr 
Desmond, MacChesney
Determan, Alvin G 
Deuermeyer, Alvin H 
Devers, Sidney
Dew, Robert L 
De Witte, Victor W
Deyo, Lawrence
Diaczynski, Andrew J
DiBenedetto, Gaetano
DiCosmo, Salvador J 
DiMartino, Dante 
DiMascola, Michael G 
DiSalvo, Dominick
DiStasi, Robert A 
DiVincenzo, Frank J
Dick, Andrew Jr 
Dickman, Thomas J 
Dimick, Richard D 
Dimowitz, Morris 
Dinneen, Thomas E 
Dinwiddie, Donald J 
Dittmar, John F 
Divine, Fred H
Doan, Curtis E
Doback, Charles R
Dobbins, Jerry W 
Dockendorf, Cyril J
Doctor, Gordon C 
Dodge, Charles G Jr
Doering, Creighton G 
Doherty, Floyd C Jr 
Doherty, Frank J 
Doherty, John J 
Dojutrek, William L
Dolan, Lee E Jr
Dombrowski, Alexander
Dombrowski, Walter J 
Donahue, Thomas R
Donalson, David S
Donnelly, James F
Donnelly, Joe A
Donnelly, Walter G
Donner, Eugene D
Donovan, James R 
Donovan, Martin A Jr 
Donovan, Thomas A
Dooley, Bernard D 
Dooley, Patrick C
Dooley, Walter E 
Doran, Arnold S
Dority, Guy E 
Dorner, Alvin W
Doscher, Frederick C 
Doss, Carroll Porter 
Doty, John C Jr
Dougherty, John A
Doughty, Gordon R
Douglass, Earl B Jr
Dove, Charles J
Dow, Jacob E
Doyle, Joseph J 
Draves, John J
Dreblow, George P 
Drees, Edward A 
Drew, William F 
Drewry, James A
Driggers, Sherod R Jr
Driver, Arthur H
Driver, Henderson M 
Drobot, Stanley A
Droll, Louis F 
Dubell, Richard P 
Dubin, Martin M 
DuBois, Benjamin F
DuBose, Carl L Jr
Dubray, Ernest D 
Dudley, Harry O Jr 
Duerr, Richard D
Duffey, Elmer E 
Duffey, Willis A 
Duffield, Richard B
Dugan, Charles E
Duggan, William W 
Dulick, Steve 
Dulik, Eugene F
Dulin, Woodroe G
Duncan, Donald K
Duncan, George T
Duncan, Lloyd A
Duncan, Ronald H
Duncan, Thomas A
Dunford, Jefferson Hulme 
Dunham, Harold J 
Dunn, Douglas D
Dunn, James R 
Dunnica, Lawrence G 
Durant, Edward W 
Durfee, James R 
Duros, Constantine J
Durst, Melvin A
Dusman, Raymond Edward 
Dussliere, Albert L "Deuce" 
Dyar, Wilmer E 
Dye, Carl J Jr
Dyke, Andrew A 
Eady, Jack W
Eaglehouse, Robet F
Earhart, Amon E
Eakins, Charles A Jr 
Early, Edward M
Eason, William M 
Eastburn, Harley R 
Ebbighausen, Francis R 
Eberly, Charles P 
Ebner, Henry E
Eby, Joe M 
Eccleston, Edward F
Eckert, Merle W 
Eckhart, Alan
Edgar, Thomas O 
Edgeton, Laverne R
Edmunds, Robet E
Edwards, Eugene F 
Edwards, Kenneth C
Edwards, Marvin R
Edwards, Samuel L 
Effinger, Lawrence E
Egge, Nellins P S 
Ehrke, Warren D
Eich, Henry J Jr 
Eichenberger, Frederick J
Eide, Richard W 
Einkauf, Henry T Jr
Eisele, Roy 
Eisenhart, Mary Shore 
Eisenhart, Oliver T 
Eisenhart, William E 
Eklund, Robert L 
Eldridge, Truman K 
Elling, Myron A 
Elliott, John C
Elliott, Jesse H
Ellis, James A
Ellis, Paul R 
Ellis, Richard R
Ellsworth, Paul R
Elmore, Kenneth L
Embach, John H 
Emerson, Aubrey L
Emery, Everett W
Emick, Richard M 
Emmerth, Joseph F Jr
Enget, Obert L 
Engholm, Clyde V
English, Vern L 
Ennis, Charles S
Ercegovich, John Jr 
Erickson, John E
Erickson, Roger W 
Eschinger, Edward G 
Espinoza, Raymond A 
Essock, Theodore S
Estes, Keith E
Etheredge, Alvin 
Eubanks, James E
Evans, Harry D
Evans, Lawrence B 
Evans, Robert J
Eversoll, Fredrick L 
Eyster, Ercil F 