Hyatt Regency Riverfront Hotel
Hyatt Regency Lobby
Betty and Lew Lyle
Spec Campen, Lew Lyle, Enrique Reider
"Twelve O'clock High" Movie Showing
Dick and Betty Miller
Ed Miller and Ed Gardner
Dick Damato, Ed and Florence Sexton
Jean and Bill Simpkins
Bill Cox, Al Dussliere, Dick Bowler
Dick Bowler, Walt and Ruth Ferrari
Grafton Smith, Sue and Ed Gardner,
Lorene and Al Dussliere
Harold Timm, Robin and Sue Beeby
Carl and Angele DuBose, Sue Lehmann
(rear) unknown, Marguerite Fyler
Carl Fyler and Jack Fischer
Lee Faulkner, Harold Timm, Alice Timm, Catherine Timm, Ralph Brehl
Don Geng, Spider Smith, Bob Umberger
Mr and Mrs Alan Frey
Kathy Johnson and Wat Mayer
Circle of Friends
Lance Stoner, Charlie Sykes, John Peacock
PX Display
Fran Vogel, Bill and Jean Cox
Memorial Service